"All Saints" movie storyboard for a very stormy, wet sequence!
All Saints" is an inspirational movie based on a true story as a pastor tries to save his church and a group of refugees from Myanmar. A dramatic sequence involves a massive storm that threatens to wash away all the crops that the refugees have planted on the church property. I went to the location and worked with director Steve Gomer to plan the framing of each shot. The sequence would necessarily involve chaos, torrential 'rain' and fields of mud, most of it shot at night. The storyboard needed to show crew and talent exactly what would be seen in each shot and how it would be framed. Here are a few pages from the "All Saints" storyboard.
This was a challenging project to storyboard but definitely worth it when I saw the finished movie.
Let me know if you'd like to discuss your own movie project with me and see how I might be a resource for you. (615) 207-8787